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The aim of giving things names and definitions is to show what they are not, in order to show what they are. Mattelart and Michele Armond (1998) refer to this when discussing the notion of representation within cognitive theory, 'It leads to interpreting the workings of the brain as a data processing system which reacts selectively to the environment or to information coming from the outside world'. Consequently Bijker and Law, in discussing the impact of new technologies on social interactions, describe new technology integration as the product of various social, political, economic and professional factors, so its use will be an outcome of various individual and group perceptions and experiences. If representations of objects enable humans to communicate effectively with one another then it also marks a spontaneous activity inseparable from social interaction in that, as our brain is a data processing system 'artificial intelligence conceives of organisation as an open system of inputs and outputs, in constant interaction with this environment' (Matterlart, 1998).

In other words our brains acts like a computer, reacting selectively to the world around us and like a machine. Pre-programmed settings are in place to react or 'read' things unconsciously and intelligently. In light of these theories, it is conceivable that the most extreme form of SMS language (numbers, letters and symbols combined) can be understood intelligently as a sign of its intended word or phrase. This is why this aspect of SMS has such potential for growth. Only the ear of each user for the sounds of language limits it. These codes are masked in our social behaviour and have already been socially and culturally defined. ' A 'code' is defined as a system of differences and correspondences which remain constant across a series of messages' (Stam, Burgoyne, Flitterman-Lewis, 1993: 30).

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